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Windy Dryden
1 min read
A few thoughts…well 12 actually You are procrastinating if you are putting off what you want to do or what is in your best interests to...
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Windy Dryden
4 min read
Is Single-Session Therapy Psychotherapy? Is it Counselling?
People who enrol on professional training courses in counselling and psychotherapy will undoubtedly be trained to see clients in ongoing...
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Windy Dryden
3 min read
What are the Differences, if any, Between Single-Session Therapy (SST) and One-At-A-Time Therapy?
In this response, I will outline several ways of answering this question. As you will see this question has no definitive answer....
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Windy Dryden
3 min read
Why is it Called Single-Session Therapy if Further Sessions are Available?
Single-session therapy is a way of thinking about therapy and is also a way of delivering therapy services. While it can mean that the...
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