About Single - Session Therapy

About Single - Session Therapy

About Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)
There are a number of different approaches within the CBT tradition and the one that best explains the way I work is known as Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) which was originated by Dr. Albert Ellis in the mid-1950s and is the longest established approach within CBT.
The core of REBT is summed up by the following:
People disturb themselves by holding rigid and extreme attitudes towards life’s adversities.
If people want to respond healthily to these adversities they need to change these rigid and extreme attitudes to a set of flexible and non-extreme attitudes.
Thus, my major goal as an REBT therapist is to form a working alliance with my clients and to help them to identify, examine and change their rigid and extreme attitudes and to act and think in ways that develop and consolidate their conviction in their alternative flexible and non-extreme attitudes.